Campus Wittenberg:

“Campus Wittenberg” is an association that connects a wide range of local institutions in order to promote science and education.

Cranach Stiftung Wittenberg:

The “Cranach Foundation” brings life to the spacious Cranach courtyards in the old town of Wittenberg. It shows exhibitions of historical and contemporary art, organizes literature and music series, and runs the Cranach Hostel.

ELCA Wittenberg Center:

The “Evangelical Lutheran Church in America” has an office in Wittenberg that organizes activities for visitors from abroad.

Evangelische Akademie Wittenberg:

The Evangelical Church of Mitteldeutschland (EKM) offers in its Wittenberg academy an extensive education and discussion program for the public.

Evangelische Stadtkirchengemeinde Wittenberg:

The Evangelical Parish Church of St. Mary’s is, until today, the center of religious life in the old town’s Protestant parish. Its administration is located in the parsonage of John Bugenhagen beside the church. The tiny Corpus Christi Chapel is open for prayer.

Evangelische Wittenbergstiftung:

The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) is represented by the Evangelical Wittenberg Foundation.

Evangelisches Predigerseminar Wittenberg:

Future pastors of several Evangelical Churches in Germany are trained in the Wittenberg “Preacher’s Seminary”.

Luther-Gesellschaft e.V.:

The “Luther Society” has its seat in Wittenberg. Founded in 1918, it promotes the research on the life and work of Martin Luther, it presents and publishes research findings for a wider public, and it supports an ecclesiastical life based on Luther.

LWF Center Wittenberg:

The “Lutheran World Foundation” has an office in Wittenberg that organizes activities for visitors from abroad.

Reformationsgeschichtliche Forschungsbibliothek:

In the Wittenberg Castle, there is the “Reformation Research Library” that preserves manuscripts and books from the Middle Ages to the present day, mainly from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. It is one of the most important research institutions for Reformation history.

Stiftung Leucorea:

“Leucorea” (Greek for “White Mountain” = “Witten-berg”) is the traditional name of Wittenberg University. Today the Leucorea is part of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. The name “Leucorea” is carried on by a public foundation that offers a wide range of activities, including a conference center on the historical site of the old university.

Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt:

The historical sites in Saxony-Anhalt linked to Martin Luther are administered by a foundation: the Luther house and the Melanchthon house in Wittenberg, the Luther house in Mansfeld, and Luther’s birthplace and death house in Eisleben. The foundation has an archive and a collection and promotes research on the history of the Reformation.

Zentrum für evangelische Gottesdienst- und Predigtkultur:

The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) maintains a “Center for Evangelical Worship and Preaching Culture” in Wittenberg.

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