The Wittenberg Center welcomes ten Student Fellows, one Research Fellow, and one Alumni Fellow to its third Wittenberg Summer Course in July and August 2024. This year’s Research Fellow is Prof. Torrance Kirby of McGill University, a specialist in the English Reformation and the early modern English church. Student Fellows were nominated by Concordia Seminary (St. Louis), Durham University, Göttingen University, Gurukul Lutheran Theological College (Chennai), McGill University (Montreal), Moore Theological Seminary (Sydney), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville), University of California (Berkeley), and Westminster Theological Seminary (Glenside).
Teaching Fellows will be Prof. Paul Avis (Durham University), Dr. Matthias Deuschle (University of Tübingen), Prof. David Gehring (Nottingham University), Prof. Thomas Kaufmann (University of Göttingen), Prof. Robert Kolb (Concordia Seminary), Prof. Peter Marshall (University of Warwick), Prof. Jennifer Powell McNutt (Wheaton College), Prof. Martin Ohst (University of Wuppertal), Prof. Alec Ryrie (Durham University), and Prof. Dorothea Wendebourg (Humboldt University).
The directors of the Wittenberg Center look forward to meeting the Student, Research, Teaching, and Alumni Fellows this summer and exploring the history of the German and English Sister Reformations.