June 27 was “Donors’ Day”. Supporters and friends of the Wittenberg Center came to Wittenberg to learn more about the work of the Wittenberg Center and to meet the Fellows of the Summer Course.
Together with guest lecturer Prof. Jonathan Linebaugh (Beeson Divinity School), the group explored the theological significance of the Bible for the Reformation. A closer look at Luther’s interpretation of Galatians 2 revealed how the encounter with God in the Word of the Bible releases an energy that transforms the believer and then the world around him.
In the second lecture of the day, Research Fellow Prof. Brown (Boston University) introduced the Fellows to music and singing as a means of communicating and spreading the message of the Reformation.
In the evening, the Fellows gathered at St. Mary’s Parish Church in Wittenberg. Donors and supporters of the Wittenberg Center were also invited. The Lautten Compagney Berlin and the Calmus Ensemble presented their program “Bacharkaden”, which featured sacred music by Johann Sebastian Bach performed with unusual instruments and combined with 20th century spiritual music.
PDF: Program sheet

Before the concert, guests of the Wittenberg Center were invited to the Donors’ Dinner in the Luther House, and after the concert, everyone gathered in the Melanchthon Garden for the evening reception.